
HYSYTECH and AZOLA: an Industrial Agreement on biomethane signed

HYSYTECH and AZOLA: an Industrial Agreement on biomethane signed

HYSYTECH and AZOLA are pleased to announce the signing of an Industrial Agreement between the two companies.

This agreement aims at reinforcing cooperation between the two companies in the field of temporary storage of biomethane and natural gas by providing additional flexibility to an increasing supply of locally produced biomethane and thus decreasing congestion episodes on gas distribution networks.

Biomethane production disrupted the existing gas supply value chain as biomethane production is not correlated to demand any longer. Hence flexibility is key for balancing biomethane supply (producers) and gas demand.

Temporary storage under liquid form enables increased flexibility due to its high storage capacity (volume decrease factor by 600x from gaseous to liquid form) but also by providing locally produced Bio-LNG for energy purposes (e.g. supplying industrial sites which aren't connected to the grid) or as fuel for large and long distance vehicles.

AZOLA developed a low CAPEX liquefaction solution enabling either biomethane producers to maximise their production (Azola BIO) or distribution grids to strenghten (Azola Grid).

AZOLA was recently contracted for installing its first two units to be commissioned early 2021 and decided to partner with HYSYTECH for the construction of these two units. By acting as sales and developer, AZOLA is entrusting HYSYTECH with the solution customization and industrialization which lie at the core of HYSYTECH competencies.

Both companies are convinced to achieve higher results by joining forces and trust that this Industrial Agreement is paving the way to a fruitful collaboration in the larger field of production and distribution for LNG mobility.



AZOLA is a startup company which developed a liquefaction and storage solution based on proprietary and patented technologies. The company uses its know-how to provide suitable solutions to biomethane producers and gas grid operators aiming at overcoming grid congestion thus maximizing biomethane production and related revenues. The team is made of specialists coming from a wide array of industries such as gas upgrading, cryogenic and anaerobic processes, engineering and project management.

Azola was awarded the "Grand Jury Prize" at the 2019 Energy Transition Trophies by l'Usine Nouvelle and was Laureate (First Prize) of the 2019 Innovation Trophies at the ExpoBiogaz Trade show in Lille. The company was incorporated by Storengy SAS in January 2020.

Contact details:


12 rue Raoul Nordling

92270 Bois-Colombes


33 7 87 86 01 98




HYSYTECH is an engineering company founded in 2003, specialized in the design, development and industrial implementation of new turn-key process technologies and equipment. Our skills start from the know-how in chemical and process engineering, up to commissioning, monitoring and maintenance. We operate mainly in the field of generation, treatment and recovery of industrial gases, organic liquids and energy, according to the best engineering practices and through the implementation of our technologies.

Since 2018 Stirling Cryogenics, global specialist in cryogenic technology, is part of HYSYTECH group. This acquisition has extended the group capabilities and expertise into the cryogenic sector.

Contact details:


Strada del Drosso, 33\18

10135 Torino


39 338 491 2301


Registered office

Via I° Maggio, 5, I 10043, Orbassano (TO), Italy

Opening hours

Via I° Maggio, 5, I 10043, Orbassano (TO), Italy
Head office 9-13 / 14-18
Workshop and Warehouse 8-13 / 14-17