- 30/05/2024
The FRESH project and emerging technologies at EU level
The FRESH consortium met in Thessaloniki (Greece) on the 28th of May for a workshop focused on the CCUS technologies being developed at the European level. HYSYTECH presented an interesting contribution related to the prototyping and scale up of emerging techonlogies, as well as the importance of EU projects to the constant development and improvements of these new technologies.
On the 29th of May, the consortium met for the 24M general assembly of the project presenting the latest progress in the different work packages. Promising results were shared by ICCOM with the preliminary prototype built up by HYSYTECH, thus reaching 20 mW/cm2 as an important milestone validating the prototype. Now, HYSYTECH is working in the final prototype and integration of the elctrolyzer and the fuel cell.
The FRESH project (EU H2020) aims at the production of potassium formate from CO2 by exploiting a technology developed by one of the partners, COVAL, and its subsequent use in the Direct Formate Fuel Cell (DFFC) to produce energy.
HYSYTECH collaborate with COVAL in the scale-up of the technology and will develop and build-up the entire final system for energy production.